Friday, June 10, 2011

Where does the time go?

All I seem to be doing at the moment is going to work, coming home, cooking dinner and going to bed!
This w/e I plan to do more. There are cards to make - watch this space. I want to try & make a video for the first time so we will have to see. The cameraman (Dave)) is having computer problems so I may have trouble dragging him away from it.
My grand daughter is now 8wks old and had her first injections - what an awful job having to take them for that!
Anyway a short note today & no pictures but it is late & time for bed.
Happy stamping

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Being off work sick has its good side

Here I am with a horrible cold feeling a bit sorry for myself but hey, I am still able to make cards.
I have made a card that I think is one of my favorites. I got the template from Sara Sandberg.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hope you are staying dry

Well it is certainly blustery & wet at the moment. The forcast for tornados is a bit of a worry! The good thing about bad weather is that you have a good excuse to go to the craft room and have a play.
I have made a flower from some scrap brown paper and gold spritz spray. I found the idea on Valita's fresh folds & it uses brown paper from Stampin Up parcels.
I used the SU scallop edge punch and cruched the paper. After the spritz has dried, ink the edges and there it is! Quite easy and really effective. Give it a try.
Here is an easal card for my daughter in law.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flowerpot card

Well, here is my first uploaded picture. I really enjoy making the flowerpot card. It can be as simple or as decorative as you like. I played about using Stampin Up shimmer paint. I love glitter & sparkles so anything that adds shimmer is great.
I have discovered I need some more softer coloured cardstock, I cant believe I have run out of SU rich razzleberry!!! Not a soft colour but one of my favorites =)
Happy stamping & scrapping

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Back from a trip to the UK

Hello, It has been ages since I wrote & I really will keep up to date more =/
I have arrived back from my visit to the UK. My daughter, Claire, has had her first baby & I was there with her lovely husband Helder. Claudia finally arrived, weighing in at 8lb 7oz. It was very long & drawn out and poor claire ended up having a c-section =( Both of them are fine and it was a blessing to be there at such a special time.
I caught up with my Dad & sister and my best friend Jane. My ex daughter-in-law came to visit with Alex & Gabrielle. It was a great catch up with lots of hugs.
The time there just flew as it always does and now I am back home.
I am busy catching up with my fav cardmaking website where I go for inspiration and chat.
I have bought a heap of new stuff from the Craft Barn OMG it is like aladdins cave for me. I love it
Dave && I are busy this w/e with Easter, ANZAC day on monday & then back to work on Tues in my new role.
Hope you all have a happy & peaceful Easter.